Making a Change? Here’s How to Get Results That Last

So many of us are striving to improve our lives every day and making positive change is a really big part of the personal development journey.
Change can be challenging, especially when it comes to change that sticks. It’s a process and I’m with you. I know what it’s like to go through the cycle of trying — and failing — to make change that lasts beyond the expiration date of the milk in my fridge.
You know what I’m talking about: The excitement and motivation of having a goal that’s shiny and new. It gets your time, enthusiasm, and energy. Followed by the hard, slow slog of working to lock in a new habit once the shine wears off. Life kicks in and your new habit starts to feel like the equivalent of dragging a 50-pound sack of cement up hill in 100-degree midday heat. And at last, the sense of defeat as the slow backslide begins.
I have toured the land of failed change more than once (heck, I even got the t-shirt!) before finally figuring out a formula that works. One of the biggest challenges is figuring out ways to maintain momentum and make sure the change will last in a world where it’s all too easy to fall back into old habits.
I have good news my friend — success leaves hints. After researching the subject of change (and living it) there are common threads for creating an environment of sustainable change. The three steps below have been a huge help to facilitate my own successful changes, both at work and in my personal life.
Build A Strong Foundation: Just like constructing a house, if you build change on a weak foundation any stressor that comes along can cause the whole thing to crumble into a steaming heap of rubble. Make sure your foundation is able to withstand the inevitable challenges that will come your way. Think of your foundation as an investment in yourself and make sure you consider some key focus areas:
- Understand your motivation for the change you want to make. Maybe you want to start a business, get back to them gym, or travel the world — that’s the “what” part of the equation. Your motivation is the “Why” behind the what. If you want to make lasting change, you’ve got to know what you’re fighting for. Ask yourself, what will you gain when the change takes place? What will life look like once you make and sustain the change?
- Unpack your baggage: What habits or pervasive thoughts could get in the way of your change? Baggage can include low self-esteem, procrastination, being stuck in the past, shyness, or any other tendency that could slow your progress.
- Have a Focus Practice: Meditation, vision boards, and affirmations are just a few ways to help sharpen the mind and refine your focus.
Get a Support System: A support system can be a huge factor in making lasting, positive change. Most people who successfully navigate change chose to surround themselves with three types of people:
- Supportive friends and family members who are willing to be your biggest cheerleaders. These are your go-to contacts for emotional support, encouragement, and an occasional kick in the butt when you feel your resolve flagging. Let the people in your life know about your goal and the change you’re trying to make. Choose an accountability buddy from this group.
- Successful mentors. A hugely popular saying is that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. I always liked this concept, but it really hit home when I tried it. One of my biggest Light Bulb moments was the realization that vastly successful people are not really that different from the rest of us — they just have a different set of habits. Suddenly that level of success felt real and possible. Having these people in my life was one of the biggest factors in my own turnaround story. Once I understood that people enjoying high levels of success were not more educated, privileged, or better than me, I knew I could play at their level as long as I was willing to do the work.
- Community: Expand your network by connecting with people outside your existing circle of acquaintances. Seek out and join a club, charity, or group that aligns with your interests and goals. Research consistently shows the benefits of having a strong community including the ability to share knowledge and experiences, expand your circle of friends, and getting fresh ideas from someone who’s been there. Community connection rounds out and diversifies your support system.
Fill Your Tank: You know what it’s like when your car runs out of gas — it sputters and dies on the side of the road, leaving you stranded. Well friend, you are not so different from your car, you also need fuel and regular maintenance to make and maintain change. Keep fueled up in 3 key areas to hone your success:
- Fuel Your Mind: A positive attitude is essential for long-lasting success. Before anyone else believes in you, you have got to believe in yourself. Read books, follow blogs, and listen to podcasts to keep your attitude on point.
- Fuel Your Body: Nutrition, rest, and exercise are a must if you’re going to have energy to change your life. Change becomes even more challenging when you’re combatting energy crashes, brain fog, or anxiety. Eat healthy foods, take vitamin supplements, and have a daily exercise routine to balance your energy. Balanced nutrition and exercise help improve quality of sleep. Adding a nightly wind-down routine that minimizes screen time and maximizes relaxation can help you catch enough Z’s to be ready for anything life throws your way.
- Fuel Your Spirit: When you’re making a change, it can feel like distractions come at you from around every corner. The ability to unplug is super important to staying sharp and on task. Make time to get out in nature, take a walk, change your scenery, and be mindful. Meditation, spiritual pursuits, and breaks from screen time can help feed your spirit. You’d be surprised at the difference even a 15-minute break can make.
Here’s the thing…
Lasting change is absolutely possible and there is a formula to get you there. Getting stuck doesn’t have to mean giving up.
I have every confidence that you can overcome any obstacle to change that comes your way!
See you at the finish line!