The Simple Reason You Should Take a Risk

We humans are wired for survival. When we think we’re under threat our gut feeling tells us we’re in trouble and we either fight or flee. That innate wiring primes us to reduce risk and we generally avoid dangerous situations as a precaution to ensure our safety.
Once upon a time this was a fantastic way to ensure longevity of the human species, especially during our early history when the ability to avoid a hungry tiger seeking a bite sized appetizer meant the difference between life and death.
Today we don’t spend a lot of time avoiding predatory beasts but there is still plenty of danger in the world. Despite millions of years of evolution we’ve kept our risk-averse wiring intact. In survival situations, avoiding risk is a good thing, but in other circumstances the subtle fear that holds us back can keep us from becoming all we are destined to be.
Risk comes in all shapes and sizes — from small, like working up the courage to ask that special someone on a first date — to huge risks, like giving everything up and quitting your job to teach English in a 3rd world country.
Most risks we take fall somewhere between the two. Everyone has something they really want, but so many of us fear the potential consequences of taking a big chance.
What makes risk so frightening? Fear of the unknown tends to drive much of our risk-averse behavior. We can’t possibly know the outcome when we embark on a new undertaking. Things could go terribly wrong, we may lose something — or everything. It’s this train of thought that usually stops us before we start.
But, what if?
What if everything went incredibly right?
We can’t possibly know every small thing that will come up along the way, but having a plan, and a plan B, can shift the odds in your favor. Supportive family and friends can lift your spirits in the midst of challenge and the experience, whether you reach your goal or not, will absolutely make you wiser, stronger and bolder.
So yes… Risk is definitely a four-letter word, but at the end of the day it’s just a bunch of letters. What you do with your big opportunity is what builds your character — so go for it. You’ll never find out what you’re capable of until you take a chance.
Originally published at